Wednesday, November 17, 2010


back from KL last few days...
pictures are to be found at my facebook acc. thnx. :)
Someone said that his darling very pretty.. hahaha. tq tq :)
now freakin headache..I don't know why... it has been like this since last saturday (13/11/2010)
I miss my sister and brother there in KL...
I got to study smart since SPM is coming and is only at the corners....

Dear you, Lady,...
Freak off. Its your boyfriend's problem. not mine. Open your eyes lah wehh... Sien laah...

It should be wedges on my feet but then my leg hurts so I bought a slipper from Rip Curl. :)
more in facebook. :)

Melinda. love

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Quel est votre problème? Je ne sais pas et je ne veux pas le savoir dames. Je ne m'inquiète pas si vous les gars disent du mal de moi parce que je n'ai pas traîner ou être aussi bon qu'avant de vous les filles. Raisons, c'est que je ne me sens pas belle chaque fois que vous commencez à vous juger, critiquer et de parler mal des autres. Prestation de serment et tout autres choses. Je sais que je ne suis pas parfait. Mais je connais mes limites. Je ne cherche pas des ennemis, bien que les gars vous me faites sentir que vous faites avec moi. Mais je ne me dérange pas que Dieu seul sait comment et ce que je ressens. Pour vous, si vous continuez à sortir en public et quand vous commencez à une étude plus approfondie et vous continuez à être en tant que tel, je parie que vous aurez un moment difficile. Personne n'a ce genre de temps pour que des soins sur la façon dont vous vous sentez. Il est une institution supérieure de l'apprentissage de mon ami ...Peut-être que vous avez l'habitude d'appeler l'autre nom stupide, mais pas avec d'autres personnes. les gens ont un cœur trop dame, vous n'êtes pas la seule personne créé avec un coeur. ce n'est pas un magicien de film Oz. Réfléchissez avant de parler. d'autres ne seront pas comme ça quand vous sortez de l'école secondaire. Je vous pardonne pour m'appeler babouin et tout autres choses que vous parler derrière mon dos. Il n'ya pas de point et l'utilisation si je m'accroche à ces choses. Et pour vous, celui que nous appelons la «meilleure» un, pourquoi laisser les gens marchent sur le dessus de votre tête? Pour moi, ce genre de chose est une humiliation publique et vous ne pouvez toujours sourire et être fier de cela? oh s'il vous plaît .... J'espère que vous serez un jour rendre compte ... Alright? Je n'ai pas dessein ne vous parle pas. Je n'ai rien à vous parler. :) Quel qu'il soit, vous êtes toujours mon ami mais je ne suis pas sûr si vous voulez encore me prendre comme votre ami. Il est triste de voir comment vous vous comportez gars. Mais j'espère pour le mieux pour vous les gars.

End of my story. :) ahahah
Mark... Thanks yea? HUGS! You've been a VERY GOOD um.. i mean SUPER GOOD best friend to me. :) Appreciated much although I don't look like I do but deep inside of me I do. :) All the best yea? Thanks for your advices bro! ;D
Stephanie Sarah Aren! I love you! hehehehehe Thanks yea! :D Wo ai ni! hahahaha

I'm leaving on an airplane... hehehehe ;)
It won't be long till I'll be back again. :)

Thanks teachers! I know I'm a naughty girl in school.. :D hehehehe I'll sure miss those moments where I played with you teachers.. :'')

I'm off away tonight at 9pm.. I'll be home next week.. miss me. :) 

Melinda. :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

The end of a relationship can be emotionally devastating, but it can also mean freedom. Freedom from being with someone you probably weren’t supposed to be with in the first place or things wouldn’t have had to end.

We can feel really deep emotional pain and sadness for the loss when a relationship ends. Missing the person and the relationship might make us long to get back into that relationship when we mistakenly assume and blame this as the source of the pain we feel. Many people have experienced this yo-yo effect of getting into and out of a relationship with the same person before they realize that it is not healthy for either party and finally get out for good.
Try to take a look at it this way instead–when a relationship fails, the pain one feels really comes from losing what we had wanted and hoped the relationship to be. When you look at it this way, you can see that you are not losing what you had envisioned or hoped the relationship to be. Rather what you are actually losing is a relationship in which one or neither of you were happy.
Because you cannot truly lose something that you never had, it is rather useless to feel pain for something that doesn’t exist and never will exist. What could have been in your relationship probably never was. Don’t waste your precious time and your even more precious emotional energy on something or someone that never will be what you want it to be. Instead, focus your energy on finding a relationship where you are both happy and together can co-create a healthy and loving relationship.
To that end, it is still important to recognize that it is healthy and desirable to mourn for the loss of someone you love, just make sure that you identify the proper source of the pain so that you don’t go getting back into a relationship with someone you aren’t truly compatible with. Then, you can be free to move on and find the love of your life.

copied from another website.. I find it rather true and interesting....

Melinda. :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


It's getting closer n yet there are so many challenges lying ahead of me..
I'm currently sick as usual. Flu fever.. sneezing headaches...
I'm not prepared for SPM.. dang?!
Pray for me yah.. :)
I sometimes get stuck while studying...
n currently having some kind of 'problem'..
Going to KL next week. haha..
Sis's convocation n I'm not allowed to stay alone in Miri and I don't want
I wanna go buy shades, flip flops, tees and... I don't know..
N I'm sure cheche will give me some kind of 'lecture'...
Too bad I don't know KL roads.. or else I get to drive Koko Nis's Satria.. oh man.. hahaha
Dad says don't be so daring.. hahahah
Got to study...
Those who have my 'private' blog will know what 'problem'...
hahahah :S
